Sheep and goat breeding

Sheep and goat breeding

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Products for hygiene in sheep and goat breeding

The most influential condition for every breeder is that of having a healthy flock, where the ever-present farm diseases are kept under control and treated in various ways, and consequentially the level of pathologies is low enough as not to compromise the economic results of the breeding. Sheep and goats, as with all animals, are subject to numerous diseases. One very common problem is mastitis, which can have various causes: udder trauma, bad litter hygiene and insufficient milking; but the most feared mammary disease in goat breeding is contagious agalactia, a common condition in the Spring, during lactation, caused by micro-organisms known as mycoplasma, which are the result of insufficient respect for hygiene regulations. The hygiene of the udder therefore becomes fundamental in the prevention of these problems, as well as the cleanliness of the areas and the health of the animals, maintained through healthy feeding and prevention based on the early treatment of mastitis. Our line of products is specifically studied to respond to the needs of these animals in all of the phases of their productive and reproductive cycle. 

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